Monday, September 3, 2012

Dinner Guests

Because they had traveled recently to Arizona, we hadn't been able to spend much time with our wonderful next door neighbors lately. So it gave us the perfect excuse to invite them over for dinner this weekend when, due to Hurricane Isaac, our plans of going to the beach changed and we were going to be home on this long, holiday weekend.

Because of my recent recipes posts (sans photos), I've been thinking about those great casseroles - and, since Kay likes spicy foods but her sweetie, Bill, doesn't, making both of them would work great. Plus, to add to the fun of cooking for someone else, Kay is allergic to gluten -- something I don't normally pay any attention to at all!

I normally only use whole wheat pastas when I cook but that was out of the question this time. Kay had warned me that both quinoa and rice pastas weren't the best but I found some corn pasta and it was terrific! Good to know. I also found that you can substitute corn starch in any recipe that uses flour as a thickener. If you do that, be sure to use half the amount the recipe calls for - 2 tablespoons of flour = 1 tablespoon of corn starch.

In addition to the two casseroles, I also made a kale/avocado salad (dinosaur kale, avocado and lemon juice -- it's to die for!) - and a special treat for desserts (really for the guys as Kay and I sat this one out) - a fat-free vegan spice cake with vanilla glaze frosting.

Here are some of the pics of the cooking process and the final results. :) Go back to previous posts for the recipes if you'd like -- they're both easy to make and taste wonderful!

Here's the curried chickpea mixture before going into the baking dish -

Here it is fresh out of the oven with the sweet potato tater tots topping it off -

Here's the "chicken" spinach pasta mixture ready for the pasta to be mixed in before going into the baking dish -

And here it is, topped with nutritional yeast and fresh out of the oven - gosh it's so good.

Side by side (with the cake in the background), we were ready for a great dinner - topped only by the terrific company. :)

- Posted by Jennifer

Location:Home, sweet home

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