Sunday, November 17, 2013

Vegan Breakfast Tacos

It's a lazy Sunday morning for us and we don't seem to have too many of those. Oh sure, I've already washed the sheets and remade the bed and have my third load of laundry in right now but hubby and I are just sitting in the study making plans.

I'm not sure whose stomach growled first but it didn't take long before they were both making quite a racket. I started trying to think of what I could make for breakfast but since we had the garage sale last weekend and then I head to DC for a meeting on Sunday, grocery shopping has been neglected for a while. I wasn't sure we had enough ingredients on hand to make much.

My first thought was pumpkin pancakes but alas, no applesauce. Hmmm, what next? I saw that we had some tortillas so I instantly went to the idea of breakfast burritos but eggs are out of the question. Hmm, maybe tacos instead?

I steamed a sweet potato in the microwave. Mashed sweet potato, like refried beans, can make a great base for tacos because the other ingredients tend to stick to it and not roll out onto your plate every time you take a bite. So after steaming it I mashed it up, added half a packet of leftover taco seasoning (low sodium, of course!) and a splash of almond milk to give it a creamier texture. Not a bad start...

Then I steamed some greens. I had just a little bit of kale left so I added some spinach and some collard greens and steamed them together in the microwave for about 2 minutes. And, since we think nearly everything tastes better with cilantro, I cut up about a little fresh cilantro and added that to the steamed greens. Doesn't look too appetizing laid out like this but oh, they're so good and so good for you!

I opened and rinsed a can of black beans and then started assembling the tacos. On top of the greens I spooned on a little salsa and sprinkled on some nutritional yeast. I wish I'd had some quacamole or avocado to add but not this time. Maybe next.

Hubby doesn't like corn tortillas so luckily I had some whole wheat tortillas as well. However, after assembling them I have decided I'll only use the whole wheat next time... the corn tortillas just didn't hold up as well. Here is the assembly process...

And here is what the corn tortilla tacos looked like... they just didn't hold up. Oh well, they still tasted great!

So I may have made this as a form of breakfast tacos but really they'd be good any time of the day. Still, not a bad breakfast on a lazy Sunday. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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